
May 21, 2024

Leveraging Non Technical Skills in Tech Sales

This concept of value exchange is crucial in any negotiation, whether it be in a business setting or in personal relationships. When both parties feel that they are receiving something of value in return for what they are giving, it creates a sense of fairness and collaboration. This, in turn,…

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May 21, 2024

Navigating Equity in Tech Companies with Fred Deworken

Episode 55: Navigating Equity in Tech Companies with Fred Deworken Ready to explore the latest in tech careers and financial insights? Click here now for an eye-opening journey at! Frederick DeWorken grew up on a 3-acre poor farm in Amarillo, Texas, and would travel to Santa Cruz, California every…

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May 20, 2024

How Intentional Investments Can Transform Lives

Trading time for equity intentionally involves making strategic decisions about how one invests their time and skills in exchange for ownership in a company or project. This can be a powerful way to build wealth and create opportunities for financial growth. By choosing to invest in projects that have the…

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May 19, 2024

How Equity Became Our Lifeline

Equity opportunities offer individuals the chance to invest in their future by acquiring ownership stakes in a company. This ownership can come in the form of stock options, equity grants, or profit-sharing arrangements. By participating in these programs, employees not only have the potential to benefit financially from the success…

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May 19, 2024

Leveraging Equity to Propel Your Family's Future

By living within their salary, the family was able to ensure that their day-to-day expenses were covered without relying on additional sources of income. This allowed them to budget effectively and prioritize their spending, ultimately leading to financial stability. By doing so, they were able to avoid living beyond their…

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May 18, 2024

What Equity Work Taught Me About Business

Another important factor to consider is the leadership team. Investors often look for experienced and knowledgeable leaders who have a track record of success. Similarly, individuals should assess the leadership of a company or organization before committing to working with them. Do they have the necessary skills and experience to…

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May 18, 2024

The Critical Aspects of Equity Negotiation You Might Be Overlooking

When negotiating for equity, it is important to consider the long-term implications of the agreement. The vesting schedule determines when and how much equity you will receive over a certain period of time. It is important to negotiate a vesting schedule that aligns with your goals and expectations for the…

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May 17, 2024

My Leap from Accenture to Startup

Throttling success to prevent burnout involves setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and being mindful of one's limits. It means recognizing when to take a step back, delegate tasks, or seek support when feeling overwhelmed. It also means being proactive in managing stress, practicing self-care activities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.…

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May 17, 2024

The Evolving Landscape of Tech Employee Compensation Packages

One trend that is emerging is the option for tech employees to choose between receiving a portion of their compensation in cash and a portion in RSUs (Restricted Stock Units). For example, a company may offer an employee $400,000 over four years and give them the choice of receiving half…

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May 16, 2024

Thinking Like an Investor

The idea that "hope is not a strategy" is a powerful one. While hope can be a motivating force and can provide a sense of optimism, it is not enough to guarantee success in the competitive world of business and careers. Simply hoping that things will work out as planned…

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May 16, 2024

Understanding Same Day Sale Options for RSUs After an IPO

For many individuals, opting for a same day sale can be a smart move to avoid under withholding taxes. By selling the RSUs as soon as possible after the IPO, you can ensure that you are not caught off guard by unexpected tax liabilities. This can help you avoid potential…

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May 15, 2024

Deciding When to Leave a Successful Company

Watch the full video here: The first factor to consider is momentum. Is the company still experiencing growth and success, or has it started to stagnate? Splunk, the company they were working for, never lost its momentum even after they left. This indicates that the company was still on…

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May 15, 2024

Navigating RSU Negotiations and Vesting for Employees in Public Firms

The vesting process is the timeline in which the RSUs become fully owned by the employee. Typically, RSUs have a vesting schedule that outlines when the shares will be released to the employee. This schedule can vary depending on the company's policies, but it is common for RSUs to vest…

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May 14, 2024

Climbing the Executive Ladder at Splunk

Watch the full video here: When considering a job opportunity, it is easy to be swayed by factors such as a company's reputation, the industry they operate in, or the perks they offer. However, as the speaker points out, it is important to look beyond these surface-level factors and…

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May 14, 2024

Achieving Financial Independence as a Tech Executive

Ready to explore the latest in tech careers and financial insights? Click here now for an eye-opening journey at Join our host Christopher Nelson on his journey through success, failure, and sudden wealth syndrome. Listen now to learn valuable lessons in career and money management. From IPO celebrations to…

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May 14, 2024

The Basics of Restricted Stock Units and Vesting Schedules

Restricted stock units, or RSUs, are a type of equity compensation that grants employees a specific number of shares over a designated vesting schedule. Typically, this schedule follows the traditional four-year format, where a certain percentage of shares are vested each year. One key aspect of RSUs is that when…

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May 14, 2024

RSU Strategies for Tech Professionals with Landon Loveall

Episode 54: RSU Strategies for Tech Professionals with Landon Loveall Ready to explore the latest in tech careers and financial insights? Click here now for an eye-opening journey at Landon Loveall is a certified financial planner and dedicated advocate for tech professionals to increase their wealth through financial, tax…

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May 13, 2024

The Power of Peer Groups in Career Advancement

Peer groups can be a valuable source of support and guidance for individuals looking to advance in their careers. By sharing experiences, receiving feedback, and connecting with like-minded peers, individuals can gain valuable insights, motivation, and a sense of community that can help them navigate the challenges and opportunities that…

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May 12, 2024

Harnessing Peer Insights for Professional Growth

Reflecting on past experiences is a crucial step in personal growth. By looking back on what has been accomplished, one can identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. This self-reflection allows individuals to gain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, and to set goals for future…

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May 11, 2024

Enhancing Your Professional Relationships Through Strategic Questioning

In the context of career development, asking better questions can be a game-changer. Whether it's in one-on-one meetings with your manager, client or customer interactions, or job interviews, the ability to ask insightful questions can set you apart as a strategic thinker and problem-solver. By taking the time to understand…

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May 10, 2024

How Private Equity Serves as a Market Counterbalance

One of the main reasons why the ultra wealthy choose to include private equity in their portfolios is because it can serve as a counterbalance to the traditional stock market. When the stock market is down, private equity investments have the potential to perform well, providing a source of growth…

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May 9, 2024

Exploring the Role of Single Business Investments in Large Portfolios

One of the key benefits of intentional concentration is the potential for higher returns. By focusing on a single business that an investor has thoroughly researched and believes in, they can capitalize on the growth potential of that particular company. This can lead to outsized gains that may not be…

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May 8, 2024

Assembling Your Investment Portfolio

The analogy of collecting car parts to building a portfolio is a powerful one. Just as one wouldn't start collecting car parts without a vision of what the final product should look like, investors should not simply accumulate investments without a clear understanding of their overall financial goals. Without a…

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May 7, 2024

How $10 Million+ Net Worth Individuals Manage Money

When we talk about assets, we are referring to investments or possessions that have the potential to grow in value or generate income over time. Examples of assets include real estate, stocks, bonds, and businesses. On the other hand, liabilities are things that drain your finances and do not contribute…

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