
May 22, 2023

Mastering Your Finances is the Key to Unlocking Time

You need to understand equity to accelerate your Financial Freedome

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May 22, 2023

My mission is to get you financially free

Tech Equity can accelerate your journey to financial freedom, find yours

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May 21, 2023

We are building community with you.

Subscribe to the channel and follow our podcast to engage in the conversation

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May 21, 2023

Get the clarity you want on Tech Careers & Money

Imagine unlocking the financial potential that comes with working in tech. đź’¸

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May 20, 2023

What are the Types of Episodes Reel

Christopher Breaks Down the Types of Episodes that will be presented.

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May 20, 2023

There is a Crisis and you need to talk about it.

Let's talk about Tech Careers and Money!

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May 15, 2023

Maximizing Your Tech Career: Avoiding Burnout And Financial Mistakes

Financial Mistakes? A tech career is not as easy as other people think. You must manage your career and the money that comes with it to get the life you want. And whether you’re at the beginning, the middle, or the end of your tech career, you have many questions…

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May 15, 2023

Solving the Tech Career and Money Problem

How do we solve the problem #techemployees have.

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May 10, 2023

#shorts Who we will interview

We will interview Experts and People that have "been there and done that" to provide you with details to grow your career, build wealth and meet your financial goals.

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May 9, 2023

#shorts This is happening - Tech Careers & Money Talk

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May 9, 2023

Welcome to Tech Careers and Money Talk

Do you want to hang out with experienced tech careers industry executives, ask them about career growth, equity compensation, investing, financial strategies, and more, then take an insight or two to guide your own career and lifestyle? That’s what we do each week on Tech Careers and Money Talk. Hosted…

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July 6, 2022

How To Use The Career Compounding Quadrant to Get More Equity

As I prepare to release my first book, No Dough To IPO, one key piece that I want to over-communicate to you is: when you understand how to trade your time and talent for equity AT THE RIGHT COMPANY, you prioritize your long-term financial independence. That's why I created a…

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July 1, 2022

Three Ways to Get More Tech Equity Shares

How do individual contributors get more tech equity at the companies they work for, especially if they're not at the director level or a founding employee? Being one of the first 100 employees or joining as a Director is an easier way to get more equity, of course, but there…

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July 1, 2022

How To Think Like An Investor Instead of a Speculator

What does it take to think like an investor instead of a speculator? And not just any investor, one who trades their time and talent in a carefully selected tech company for the greatest possible equity potential. Furthermore, once you’ve gone through an IPO event, how do you think like…

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July 1, 2022

IPO to CASHFLOWđź’°: What To Do With Your Tech Equity Gain

So, your company just went through an amazing IPO. 👇 What will you do with your equity gain? Do you have a plan? 👉 I recently talked to a friend who’s company IPO’d at a share price much higher than expected. They originally targeted the price around $24/share but ended…

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June 30, 2022

Is Working for Tech Equity Too High Risk

Is working for tech equity too high risk? Do you feel like it's a gamble or that the potential rewards are handed out by random chance? If so, It's time to shift your paradigm about working for tech equity. 👇 You have to start thinking about it just like you…

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June 30, 2022

The 3 Biggest Threats To Your Tech Equity

I speak with a lot of investors and here's what I've observed. 👇 As people are creating very large equity positions, they get nervous. They don’t trust Wall Street, but they don’t know how to diversify, so they "let it ride". When you have 80% of your wealth in a…

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June 30, 2022

Five Career Momentum Indicators That Successful People Unlock

Is your passion for learning contagious? Do you have a constant curiosity about new topics? Are you willing to take that curiosity and enter into a mentoring relationship to grow in your understanding and industry-specific knowledge? If so, you might be setting yourself up for massive career growth. My friend,…

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June 30, 2022

What You Need to Know About Managing Your Tech Equity

So, you finally landed a job at a great startup, which means that you have an amazing opportunity to become a part owner and build wealth. 💰 But, now that you've received your equity, how exactly do you manage it? 💡 Manage Your Tech Equity Wisely: Educate Yourself There’s no…

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June 30, 2022

How To Your Trade Talent For Tech Equity Shares

Always work for equity! TRADE YOUR TALENT FOR TECH EQUITY SHARES. What do I mean by that? FIRST, you can build more wealth by trading your career capital for equity than by managing your investments well. Career capital is comprised of three components: ▶️ Your education and training ▶️ Your…

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June 30, 2022

3 Ways You Can Develop Empathy and Build Trust Now

In today’s climate, it is more important than ever to develop empathy and build trust, and it is a skill we can learn. I want to be very clear here: black lives DO matter, and we must be intentional in affirming that everyone deserves empathy and work to cultivate that…

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June 30, 2022

You Are Your Greatest Asset

As a technology employee and/or entrepreneur, what is your greatest asset? The answer is easy. Your greatest asset is right in front of you. It's YOU. You are your greatest asset. Why do I say that? You are your greatest asset because you have the ability to trade your time…

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