Unlock Career Advancement: The Secret to Getting Promoted and Paid More

Unlock the secrets to Career Advancement and boosting your income with Matt Doan. Discover how saying no to the wrong things and aligning your goals with your manager's can fast-track your professional growth in this episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk

Discover the secret to advancing your career and boosting your income with Matt Doan on Tech Careers and Money Talk

Are you working hard but not getting ahead?

In the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk, Matt Doan shares a powerful tip for getting promoted and paid more: say no to the wrong things.

He also recommends that you look up vertically at your management chain and understand what your boss and boss's boss are rewarded for. What are their incentives? What do they really want to see as outcomes?

Once you know what your managers want to see, you can adopt those outcomes for yourself and ask yourself what you're gifted at to deliver on and how you can enable those outcomes.

If you can use your skill set to deliver on what your managers want, they're going to vie for you at promotion time and salary bump time. And you won't have to kill yourself to do it.

To learn more about how to say no to the wrong things, align your goals with your manager's, and use your skills to make an impact, listen to the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk.


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