Thinking Ahead for Better Decision Making

When we think two steps ahead, we are able to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future.

By considering different scenarios and outcomes, we can better prepare ourselves for whatever may come our way.

This proactive approach allows us to make informed decisions and take calculated risks that can lead to greater success in the long run.

In terms of career development, thinking two steps ahead can help us identify our long-term goals and aspirations.

By envisioning where we want to be in the future, we can set ourselves on a path that aligns with our ambitions and values.

This forward-thinking mindset can also help us navigate career transitions and make strategic moves that will benefit us in the long term.

In this episode of Tech Careers in Money Talk, Maya Grossman, an executive coach, shares insights on breaking through to executive roles. She emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of your career and avoiding common pitfalls that hinder career advancement.

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