Surround Yourself With the Right People: Finding Holistic Success

Discover the transformative power of surrounding yourself with the right people in 'Surround Yourself With the Right People: Finding Holistic Success.' Join us as Quay Barnett shares invaluable insights on mentors, work-life balance, and achieving holistic success. Learn how the company you keep profoundly impacts your journey. Tune in now

When it comes to mentors and role models, it's crucial to choose wisely.

You have a choice to align yourself either with individuals who prioritize their careers at all costs or with those who have established a more balanced rhythm, including family and personal well-being.

✨ Surround yourself with people who inspire you in all aspects of life, not just one dimension.

Seek mentors who embody the values and lifestyle you aspire to achieve.

Here are some of the benefits of having good mentors:

🌟They can provide you with guidance and advice.
🌟They can help you stay motivated and focused.
🌟They can help you build your network.
🌟They can help you learn and grow.
🌟They can be a source of support and encouragement.

🗣️ As shared by the insightful Quay Barnett on the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk, the company you keep can profoundly impact your journey towards holistic success.

🎧 Tune in to the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk with guest Quay Barnett and gain invaluable strategies for thriving in high-performance environments, finding the right mentors, and achieving a healthier work-life balance.

Don't forget to share the show with your network and empower others in their pursuit of success! 🎧