Marco Quevedo's Career Transition SUCCESS Stories πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»βš™οΈπŸ’΅ #podcast #career #success

Explore inspiring Career Transition Success Stories with Marco Quevedo in this episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk. Join us as Marco shares his journey from engineering to finance, revealing the transformative impact of business school on his path.

The transformative power of business school cannot be underestimated when it comes to career transitions.

Business school opens doors to endless possibilities for career transitions, allowing individuals to hit the reset button and pursue new paths.

In the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk, Marco Quevedo shares his personal experience of transitioning from engineering to finance, highlighting the crucial role business school played in his successful career shift.

His insights shed light on the significance of business school in career transitions, emphasizing the following key points:

βœ… Opportunity for transition:

Business school provides the perfect platform to switch careers, whether it be from software engineering to investment banking or from journalism to marketing.

βœ… Resetting the trajectory:

Marco's transition from engineering to finance was made possible by the comprehensive education and network he acquired during business school.

βœ… The power of preparation:

Business school equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their new chosen field.

βœ… Career shaping:

Marco believes that without the invaluable experience of business school, his transition to finance would not have been as successful as it has been in his career so far.

Marco Quevedo's experience underscores the importance of business school as an enabler for career transitions.

To gain deeper insights into his journey and the impact of business school on career shifts, tune in to the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk and share it within your professional network.

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