Leveraging IPOs as a Personal Wealth Strategy

Leveraging IPOs as a Personal Wealth Strategy? Having been in the Silicon Valley space as a tech executive for 20+ years, Bryan Wise has been instrumental in getting his last three companies (DocuSign, Snowflake, and GitLab) to go public with amazing IPOs. It wasn’t a random chance, but it was more intentional, systematic, and strategic. Bryan is currently the CIO of 6Sense, an account engagement platform that provides buyer journey insights to B2B organizations.

In this episode, Christopher and Bryan dive into his IPO experience along with some insights into how he carved his path to success.

In this episode, you will hear:

Being intentional about your career path
The value of mentors vs. your peer group
How to choose the right companies to get an equity stake in
Asking about company performance and financials
Looking into the company’s experience vs. passion/innovation