Intentional Skill Development: Crafting Your Future

Intentional Skill Development: Master Your Future

As you're planning your exit from corporate, it's important to be intentional about the skills you want to learn. Remember, "Always better, never the best." There is always room for improvement, no matter how good you are at something.

Here are a few tips for staying motivated and always learning:

💡 Set challenging goals for yourself. When you set goals that are just out of reach, you'll be more motivated to keep learning and improving.

💡 Find a mentor or coach who can help you learn and grow. Having someone to guide you and offer support can make a big difference.

💡 Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's how you learn from them that matters.

💡 Celebrate your successes. When you reach a goal, take some time to celebrate your accomplishment. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

No matter what skills you choose to learn, remember to always be better, never the best. The world is constantly changing, so it's important to be adaptable and willing to learn new things.

To learn more about how to always be learning and improving, listen to my latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk:

And don't forget to share the episode with your friends and colleagues! 💡