Impostor No More: Conquering Self-Doubt and Leaving Your Mark in Tech

Impostor syndrome can affect anyone, regardless of their background or accomplishments.

In a thought-provoking discussion on the latest episode of the Tech Careers and Money Talk podcast, Shabnam Golmohammadi reflects on her experience in a tech industry filled with colleagues from prestigious schools and companies.

Despite initially feeling like she didn't measure up, Shabnam found a strategy that propelled her forward – building a strong sense of connection and community, and creating value for her peers.

Let's explore her inspiring journey of overcoming self-doubt, leaving an indelible impact, and redefining what it means to belong.

πŸ’” Battling Self-Doubt:

Impostor syndrome can plague even the most accomplished professionals, making it challenging to recognize one's own value within a sea of prestige.

πŸ’‘ The Power of Connection:

Shabnam discovered that building authentic relationships with colleagues and fostering a sense of community helped dissipate feelings of inadequacy and enhanced her sense of belonging.

πŸš€ Making an Impact:

By focusing on creating value for those around her, Shabnam not only silenced her inner critic but left a lasting impression on her team, solidifying her place and influence in the industry.

🧠 Redefining Belonging:

Shabnam's experience challenges the notion that belonging is solely tied to educational or professional backgrounds, highlighting the importance of connection, contribution, and personal growth.

To gain deeper insights into overcoming the grip of impostor syndrome and making a meaningful impact in the tech industry, make sure to listen to the Tech Careers and Money Talk podcast episode featuring Shabnam Golmohammadi.

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