How To Your Trade Talent For Tech Equity Shares


What do I mean by that?

FIRST, you can build more wealth by trading your career capital for equity than by managing your investments well.

Career capital is comprised of three components:
▶️ Your education and training
▶️ Your Experience
▶️ The Results You Produce in your job

As technology employees, you have the UNIQUE ability to trade your career capital for equity shares in companies.

HOW? 👇

In Robert Kiyosaki’s book "Rich Dad’s Poor Dad" Kiyosaki draws out "The Cash Flow Quadrant" and illustrates four approaches to building wealth: the employee quadrant, the self-employed quadrant, the business owner quadrant, and the investor quadrant.

When you trade your talent for tech equity shares, tech employees can build a bridge from quadrant 1, where you’re the employee and working non-stop for your paycheck, to quadrant 3 where you’re an owner of the company and earning income while you sleep!

In today's video, I explain how to build wealth through incentive stock options by:

▶️Knowing which tech companies will create the better opportunities
▶️How to vet these companies by a specific set of criteria that I share
▶️How to know if you're making the best investment of your time and talent based on the company's performance

If you're ready to grow your career, build wealth through tech equity, and live well, this video is for you!