How to Build a Personal Brand That Opens Doors

Wanna talk about building personal brand?Welcome to another enlightening episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk! We're thrilled to bring you an episode that will revolutionize the way you navigate your tech career. Joining us today is the remarkable Belen Wagaw, a personal brand strategist for tech executives.

In this captivating conversation, we explore the critical role of personal branding in the fast-paced tech industry. Have you ever wondered how to safeguard your career from the risk of becoming irrelevant? Our discussion with Belen will provide you with the tools to not only stay relevant but to thrive and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Belen takes us on her own incredible career journey, from starting as an intern at SAP to ascending to the prestigious positions of chief of staff and chief storyteller. Her experiences serve as a guiding light, showing us how personal branding can be the catalyst for success.

We dive deep into the importance of effective communication skills and the significant role internal communications play in bridging the gap between executives and employees. Discover how mastering the art of communication can empower your tech career and unlock doors you never thought possible.

But that's just the beginning! Belen reveals the multitude of benefits that come with building a robust personal brand. Imagine increasing your visibility, enhancing your professional reputation, and attracting exciting opportunities – all within your grasp.

To ensure you can start your personal brand journey off on the right foot, we provide practical tips and strategies for building your online presence, with a particular focus on LinkedIn. It's time to harness the power of this influential platform and make your mark in the tech industry.

As the episode draws to a close, Belen leaves us with an invaluable piece of advice: trust your gut, believe in your ideas, and embrace your intuition. These qualities will set you apart and lead you toward fulfilling and rewarding career paths.

Don't miss out on this transformational episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk. Join Christopher Nelson and Belen Wagaw as they unlock the doors to your future with the power of personal branding. Tune in and let your personal brand shine brighter than ever before!

It's time to take charge of your tech career – are you ready? Hit that play button and let the journey begin!

In this episode, we talk about:
[00:00] Introduction
[02:12] Belen Wagaw’s Career Story
[07:46] Leadership & Trust Building
[11:24] Chief-Of-Staff Role
[11:47] Communication Skills in Email Writing
[14:05] Internal Communications in Tech Companies
[22:00] Positioning Yourself as an Asset
[23:07] Alleviating Pain and Reducing Frustration
[31:35] Building a Personal Brand Outside of Four Walls
[34:03] The Benefit of a Robust Personal Brand
[36:46] Building Expertise and Becoming a Thought Leader
[39:01] Getting Started with Building a Personal Brand
[44:06] Finding Inspiration on LinkedIn
[44:57] Consistency and Backup Posts
[47:12] Recharging and Trusting Your Gut

Contact Belen Wagaw on LinkedIn:

Belen Wagaw's Website: