Data-Driven Transition: Unveiling New Career Paths through Self-reflection

In a world where career paths are not always linear, Shabnam Golmohammadi shares her inspiring journey of recognizing the signs and pivoting towards a career that aligns with her true passions.

In the latest episode of the Tech Careers and Money Talk podcast, she discusses how various data points, including personality tests and self-reflection, pointed her towards a shift focused on people strategy and away from corporate politics.

Let's explore the value of listening to these signals, embracing change, and finding fulfillment in a new professional direction.

💡 Recognizing the Signs:

Shabnam's journey of self-discovery involved paying attention to data points that revealed her true passions and pointed her towards a new career path centered around people strategy.

💼 The Power of People:

As a people manager, Shabnam realized that this aspect of her job brought her the most joy and fulfillment. Recognizing this allowed her to prioritize her interests and seek out a role that aligned with her strengths

🎯 Avoiding the Pitfalls:

Senior corporate positions often come with a heavy dose of politics, which can diminish the enjoyment of a role.

Shabnam's recognition of this aspect further solidified her decision to leverage her skills in a field that offered greater alignment with her values.

📊 The Data-Driven Approach:

By leveraging tools such as personality tests like Strengthsfinder, Myers-Briggs, and the Enneagram, Shabnam gained valuable insights that directed her towards potential new career paths in therapy or social work.

Join the conversation on embracing career shifts and discovering fulfillment in new professional paths.

Tune in to the Tech Careers and Money Talk podcast episode featuring Shabnam Golmohammadi and inspire others to listen to the signs and find purposeful transitions in their own careers.

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