Articulating Your Impact

Hiring managers have seen a lot of candidates come in and talk about their work in great detail. They can say exactly what they did, but they can't say what impact it had.

Here's the thing:

People need to be able to articulate what they've done in their results, in their impact that they make to the business.


✅ Because hiring managers want to know what you can do for their company. They want to know how you can help them achieve their goals.

✅ Because your impact is what matters most. It's not about what you did, it's about what you accomplished.

✅ Because your impact is what will set you apart from other candidates.

So how do you articulate your impact?

👉 Start by focusing on the results of your work. What did you achieve? What problems did you solve?

👉 Then, explain how your work made a difference. How did it help the company grow? How did it save the company money?

👉 Be specific and quantify your results whenever possible. This will help hiring managers understand the value of your work.

👉 Use data and metrics to support your claims. This will make your impact more credible.

👉 Be clear and concise. Don't overload hiring managers with too much information.

If you can articulate your impact, you'll be well on your way to landing your dream job.

Listen to the latest episode of Tech Careers and Money Talk to learn more about how to articulate your impact in interviews.


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