3 Ways You Can Develop Empathy and Build Trust Now

In today’s climate, it is more important than ever to develop empathy and build trust, and it is a skill we can learn.

I want to be very clear here: black lives DO matter, and we must be intentional in affirming that everyone deserves empathy and work to cultivate that empathy towards others with experiences that we don't or can't understand.

➡️What is Empathy?

An empathetic person intentionally "steps into the shoes of someone else," attempting to understand their experiences, and lets those observations guide their actions. Empathy is not simply kindness towards one another, though it certainly includes kindness.

It's meeting someone else right where they are, actively trying to understand their story, and only then, discerning how to move forward and act.

If we take the time to develop empathy, which in turn builds trust, we can create better communities.

Not only that, but I believe that empathy is a skill that will help us to grow our careers, build wealth, and live well.

➡️ How Can We Develop Empathy and Build Trust?

In today’s video, I want to walk you through three practices that can help you learn to develop empathy and build trust:

🔹Listen to understand.
🔹Open your mind and heart to what you hear and let it change you.
🔹Meet more people that are different from you.

These three simple steps, when done with purpose and intention, will help you to develop empathy and build trust.

Former President Barack Obama said, “Empathy is the medicine that we need right now. To learn to walk in somebody else’s shoes and see through their eyes is the beginning of peace, and that is the action that we need right now.”

If you're ready to develop the skills to meet people where they are, to affirm them, and to move towards a better understanding of their experiences, this video is for you!