Jenny Whichello

Jenny Whichello Profile Photo

Finance Leader@Amazon | Money Coach💰 | Award-Winning CFO | Finance Educator | Optimist🌤

Former start-up CFO and award-winning finance expert, Jenny Whichello combines her knowledge of financial planning and money mindset to help women build lasting wealth. Jenny's unique approach to finance couples the inner work of money (fostering an abundance mindset) with the outer tactical work (core financial planning processes) to help her clients build vision-aligned financial roadmaps. With over a decade of experience, she's on a mission to help women have blissful relationships with their money, while building the kind of wealth that can transform individual lives and the world. Her platform, offers resources, courses, and 1:1 coaching.

May 30, 2023

004: Mastering Money Mindset: Achieving Financial Success in Tech wit…

Financial Success: Understanding our money mindset is crucial because it shapes how we use and invest our money. In this episode, Jenny Wichello, a finance expert and money mindset coach, shares her insights on achieving financial success in the tech …

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